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Aeschynanthus 'Marmoratus' Lipstick plant

  • Product Info

    Best kept in bright dappled sun, they can also handle light as low as moderate shade, just be sure to avoid cold spots and drafts to keep it happy. In warmer months keep your Lipstick plant slightly moist, using the succulent leaves as a guide (they'll become flimsy and pliable or wrinkle slightly as the plant becomes thirsty). Ease off slightly on watering in the colder months but make sure this tropical plant stays in a bright spot to keep it looking its best. To help it bloom abundantly place it in a bright spot year round and feed it once a month in Spring and Summer.

  • Care guide:

    Prefers bright, indirect sunlight; tolerates moderate shade. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf scorch. Consistent light promotes blooms year-round.

    Keep soil slightly moist in warm months; water when the top inch feels dry. Leaves will soften if thirsty. Reduce watering in colder months but don’t let the plant dry out for long.

    Use a well-draining potting mix, like orchid or light peat-based mix, and consider adding perlite or orchid bark for better drainage.

    Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly during Spring and Summer to support growth and blooms. Stop feeding in Fall and Winter.

    Repot every 2-3 years or when root-bound, using a pot 1-2 inches larger and refreshing the soil for nutrients.

  • Nursery Pot Size:

